using Implab.Parallels; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Implab.Diagnostics.Interactive { public class InteractiveListener: ListenerBase { TraceForm m_form; SynchronizationContext m_syncGuiThread; readonly Promise m_guiStarted = new Promise(); readonly IPromise m_guiFinished; readonly MTQueue m_queue = new MTQueue(); readonly AutoResetEvent m_queueEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); int m_queueLength; bool m_exitPending; readonly object m_pauseLock = new object(); bool m_paused; readonly ManualResetEvent m_pauseEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true); public InteractiveListener() { m_guiFinished = RunGuiThread(); AsyncPool.RunThread(QueueThread); m_guiStarted.Join(); } void GuiThread() { m_form = new TraceForm(); // will create SynchronizationContext m_form.PauseEvents += (s,a) => Pause(); m_form.ResumeEvents += (s, a) => Resume(); m_syncGuiThread = SynchronizationContext.Current; m_guiStarted.Resolve(); Application.Run(); } void QueueThread() { while (!m_exitPending) { if (m_paused) m_pauseEvent.WaitOne(); TraceViewItem item; if (m_queue.TryDequeue(out item)) { Interlocked.Decrement(ref m_queueLength); m_syncGuiThread.Post(x => m_form.AddTraceEvent(item),null); } else { m_queueEvent.WaitOne(); } } } public IPromise RunGuiThread() { var p = new Promise(); var caller = TraceContext.Instance.CurrentOperation; var worker = new Thread(() => { TraceContext.Instance.EnterLogicalOperation(caller, false); try { Application.OleRequired(); GuiThread(); p.Resolve(); } catch (Exception e) { p.Reject(e); } finally { TraceContext.Instance.Leave(); } }); worker.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); worker.IsBackground = true; worker.Name = string.Format("{0} GUI Thread", nameof(InteractiveListener)); worker.Start(); return p; } public void Pause() { // for consistency we need to set this properties atomically lock (m_pauseLock) { m_pauseEvent.Reset(); m_paused = true; } } public void Resume() { // for consistency we need to set this properties atomically lock (m_pauseLock) { m_paused = false; m_pauseEvent.Set(); } } void Enqueue(TraceViewItem item) { m_queue.Enqueue(item); if (Interlocked.Increment(ref m_queueLength) == 1) m_queueEvent.Set(); } public void ShowForm() { m_syncGuiThread.Post(x => m_form.Show(), null); } public void HideForm() { m_syncGuiThread.Post(x => m_form.Hide(), null); } void Terminate() { m_exitPending = true; Resume(); m_syncGuiThread.Post(x => Application.ExitThread(), null); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { Terminate(); m_guiFinished.Join(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } public override void Write(LogEventArgs args, object entry) { var item = new TraceViewItem { Indent = args.Operation.Level, Message = entry.ToString(), Thread = args.ThreadId, Channel = args.Channel.ToString(), Timestamp = Environment.TickCount, TimeDelta = args.OperationTimeOffset }; Enqueue(item); } } }