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+# Build and publish images with docker/podman
+plugins {
+    id 'org.implab.gradle-container'
+container {
+    // if you want to use podman
+    cliCmd = "podman"
+configurations {
+    app
+dependencies {
+    // the application that needs to be built and packed
+    app project(":server")
+// add custom task to copy application files
+// to the docker build context.
+task copyApp(type: Copy) {
+    processResources.dependsOn it
+    into container.contextDirectory.dir("root/opt/myapp")
+    from configurations.app
+task printVersion {
+    doLast {
+        println "tag: ${buildImage.imageTag.get()}"
+        println "archive: ${saveImage.archiveFileName.get()}"
+    }
+## Description
+This plugin is a simple wrapper around docker CLI. All the image
+building process is deligated to the `Dockerfile` which will run
+in the prepeared build context.
+### Project structure
+* `build/`
+  * `context/` - the build context where `docker build` command will run.
+  * `imageid` - the file storing the id of the image has been built.
+  * `image-name-1.2.3.tgz` - the exported image if `saveImage` has been executed.
+* `src`
+  * `main` - the source files which will be copied to the build context.
+## Properties
+`imagesAuthority` - the registry where the image should be published.
+for example `docker.io`
+`imagesGroup` - the path to the image in the repository.
+## Tasks
+### buildImage
+The task builds the image. Wrapper around the `docker build` command.
+### saveImage
+The task exports image as the .tar archive.
+### pushImage
+The task pushes the image to the remote repository.
+### processResources
+The copy task, it prepares the build context use it to customize
+the build context.
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