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Support for Function Components...
Support for Function Components Added JSX.IntrinsicElements

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r2:8ec37bf1b4d1 default
r34:e8012fdf09ae 1.0.0-rc16 default
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22 lines | 744 B | video/mp2t | TypeScriptLexer
created typings for basic part of dojo and dijit further work is required to...
r2 import dijit = require("../main");
import _WidgetBase = require("../_WidgetBase");
declare module "dojo/_base/kernel" {
interface Dijit {
byId(id: string | _WidgetBase): _WidgetBase;
getUniqueId(widgetType: string): string;
findWidgets(root: Node, skipNode?: Node): _WidgetBase[];
byNode(node: Node): _WidgetBase;
getEnclosingWidgets(node: Node): _WidgetBase;
* defaultDuration: Integer
* The default fx.animation speed (in ms) to use for all Dijit
* transitional fx.animations, unless otherwise specified
* on a per-instance basis. Defaults to 200, overrided by
* `djConfig.defaultDuration`
defaultDuration: number;
export = dijit;