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Support for Function Components Added JSX.IntrinsicElements

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created typings for basic part of dojo and dijit further work is required to...
r2 import dijit = require("../main");
declare module "dojo/_base/kernel" {
interface Dijit {
* Determines if an element has a particular role.
hasWaiRole(elem: Element, role: string): boolean;
* Gets the role for an element (which should be a wai role).
getWaiRole(elem: Element): string;
* Sets the role on an element.
setWaiRole(elem: Element, role: string): void;
* Removes the specified role from an element.
* Removes role attribute if no specific role provided (for backwards compat.)
removeWaiRole(elem: Element, role: string): void;
* Determines if an element has a given state.
* Checks for an attribute called "aria-"+state.
hasWaiState(elem: Element, state: string): boolean;
* Gets the value of a state on an element.
* Checks for an attribute called "aria-"+state.
getWaiState(elem: Element, state: string): string;
* Sets a state on an element.
* Sets an attribute called "aria-"+state.
setWaiState(elem: Element, state: string, value: string): void;
* Removes a state from an element.
* Sets an attribute called "aria-"+state.
removeWaiState(elem: Element, state: string): void;
export = dijit;