import { TraceSource } from "@implab/core-amd/log/TraceSource";
import { isPromise } from "@implab/core-amd/safe";
import { id as mid } from "module";
import { IScope, Scope } from "./Scope";
import { isNode, isRendition, isWidget } from "./traits";
const trace = TraceSource.get(mid);
interface Context {
readonly scope: IScope;
readonly hooks?: (() => void)[];
let _context: Context = {
scope: Scope.dummy
let _renderCount = 0;
let _renderId = 1;
let _renderedHooks: (() => void)[] = [];
const guard = (cb: () => unknown) => {
try {
const result = cb();
if (isPromise(result)) {
const warn = (ret: unknown) => trace.error("The callback {0} competed asynchronously. result = {1}", cb, ret);
result.then(warn, warn);
} catch (e) {
* @param scope
* @returns
export const beginRender = (scope = getScope()) => {
const prev = _context;
const renderId = _renderId++;
trace.debug("beginRender [{0}], pending = {1}", renderId, _renderCount);
if (_renderCount === 1)
_context = {
hooks: []
return endRender(prev, _context, renderId);
* Method for a deferred rendering. Returns a promise with `beginRender()` function.
* Call to `scheduleRender` will save the current context, and will increment pending
* operations counter.
* @example
* const begin = await scheduleRender();
* const end = begin();
* try {
* // do some DOM manipulations
* } finally {
* end();
* }
* @param scope
* @returns
export const scheduleRender = async (scope = getScope()) => {
const prev = _context;
const renderId = _renderId ++;
trace.debug("scheduleRender [{0}], pending = {1}", renderId, _renderCount);
if (_renderCount === 1)
await Promise.resolve();
return () => {
trace.debug("beginRender [{0}], pending = {1}", renderId, _renderCount);
_context = {
hooks: []
return endRender(prev, _context, renderId);
* Completes render operation
const endRender = (prev: Context, current: Context, renderId: number) => () => {
if (_context !== current)
trace.error("endRender mismatched beginRender call");
const { hooks } = _context;
if (hooks)
_context = prev;
trace.debug("endRender [{0}], pending = {1}", renderId, _renderCount);
if (_renderCount === 0)
// called when the first beginRender is called for this iteration
const onRendering = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (_renderCount !== 0)
trace.error("Rendering tasks aren't finished, currently running = {0}", _renderCount);
// called when all render operations are complete
const onRendered = () => {
_renderedHooks = [];
export const whenRendered = () => new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
if (_renderCount)
export const renderHook = (hook: () => void) => {
const { hooks } = _context;
if (hooks)
export const refHook = <T>(value: T, ref: JSX.Ref<T>) => {
const { hooks, scope } = _context;
if (hooks)
hooks.push(() => ref(value));
guard(() => ref(value));
scope.own(() => ref(undefined));
/** Returns the current scope */
export const getScope = () => _context.scope;
/** Schedules the rendition to be rendered to the DOM Node
* @param rendition The rendition to be rendered
* @param scope The scope
export const render = (rendition: unknown, scope = Scope.dummy) => {
const complete = beginRender(scope);
try {
return getItemDom(rendition);
} finally {
/** Renders DOM element for different types of the argument. */
export const getItemDom = (v: unknown) => {
if (typeof v === "string" || typeof v === "number" || v instanceof RegExp || v instanceof Date) {
// primitive types converted to the text nodes
return document.createTextNode(v.toString());
} else if (isNode(v)) {
// nodes are kept as is
return v;
} else if (isRendition(v)) {
// renditions are instantiated
return v.getDomNode();
} else if (isWidget(v)) {
// widgets are converted to it's markup
return v.domNode;
} else if (typeof v === "boolean" || v === null || v === undefined) {
// null | undefined | boolean are removed
return document.createDocumentFragment();
} else if (v instanceof Array) {
// arrays will be translated to document fragments
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
v.map(item => getItemDom(item))
.forEach(node => fragment.appendChild(node));
return fragment;
} else {
// bug: explicit error otherwise
throw new Error(`Invalid parameter: ${String(v)}`);