import { Handle } from "../interfaces";
* TODO: Type this better
export function _keypress(object: any, listener: EventListener): Handle;
* `dojo.connect` is a deprecated event handling and delegation method in
* Dojo. It allows one function to "listen in" on the execution of
* any other, triggering the second whenever the first is called. Many
* listeners may be attached to a function, and source functions may
* be either regular function calls or DOM events.
export function connect(obj: any, event: string, context: any, method: EventListener | string, dontFix?: boolean): Handle;
export function connect(event: string, context: any, method: EventListener | string, dontFix?: boolean): Handle;
* Remove a link created by dojo.connect.
export function disconnect(handle: Handle): void;
* Attach a listener to a named topic. The listener function is invoked whenever the
* named topic is published (see: dojo.publish).
* Returns a handle which is needed to unsubscribe this listener.
export function subscribe(topic: string, context: any, method: EventListener): Handle;
* Invoke all listener method subscribed to topic.
export function publish(topic: string, args: any[]): boolean;
* Ensure that every time obj.event() is called, a message is published
* on the topic. Returns a handle which can be passed to
* dojo.disconnect() to disable subsequent automatic publication on
* the topic.
export function connectPublisher(topic: string, obj: any, method: string): Handle;
export function connectPublisher(topic: string, method: EventListener): Handle;
* Checks an event for the copy key (meta on Mac, and ctrl anywhere else)
export function isCopyKey(e: Event): boolean;