##// END OF EJS Templates
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Added tag v1.0.0-rc5 for changeset 5a2c44d8e1f3

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r2:8ec37bf1b4d1 default
r12:54dba1f82a1b default
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import { GenericObject, Handle } from "./interfaces";
import { DojoPromise } from "./promise/Promise";
import { Deferred } from "./Deferred";
declare namespace dojoRequest {
/* dojo/request */
interface DojoRequestPromise<T> extends DojoPromise<T> {
response: DojoPromise<Response<T>>;
interface BaseOptions {
* Query parameters to append to the URL.
query?: string | { [name: string]: any };
* Data to transfer. This is ignored for GET and DELETE
* requests.
data?: string | { [name: string]: any };
* Whether to append a cache-busting parameter to the URL.
preventCache?: boolean;
* Milliseconds to wait for the response. If this time
* passes, the then the promise is rejected.
timeout?: number;
* How to handle the response from the server. Default is
* 'text'. Other values are 'json', 'javascript', and 'xml'.
handleAs?: string;
interface MethodOptions {
* The HTTP method to use to make the request. Must be
* uppercase.
method?: string;
interface RequestOptions extends BaseOptions, MethodOptions { }
interface Request {
* Send a request using the default transport for the current platform.
<T>(url: string, options?: RequestOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP GET request using the default transport for the current platform.
get<T>(url: string, options?: BaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP POST request using the default transport for the current platform.
post<T>(url: string, options?: BaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP PUT request using the default transport for the current platform.
put<T>(url: string, options?: BaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP DELETE request using the default transport for the current platform.
del<T>(url: string, options?: BaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
/* dojo/request/default */
interface Default {
getPlatformId(): string; /* './xhr' | './node' */ /* TODO: Uncomment for TS 1.8 */
load(id: string, parentRequire: Function, loaded: Function): void; /* TODO: Align with loader api */
/* dojo/request/handlers */
interface Handlers {
<T>(response: Response<any>): Response<T>;
register(name: string, handler: (response: Response<any>) => Response<any>): void;
/* dojo/request/iframe */
interface IFrameBaseOptions extends BaseOptions {
form?: HTMLFormElement;
data?: string | Object;
interface IFrameOptions extends IFrameBaseOptions, MethodOptions { }
interface IFrame {
<T>(url: string, options: IFrameOptions, returnDeferred: boolean): RequestDeferred<T>;
<T>(url: string, options?: IFrameOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
create(name: string, onloadstr?: string, uri?: string): HTMLIFrameElement;
doc(iframenode: HTMLIFrameElement): Document;
setSrc(_iframe: HTMLIFrameElement, src: string, replace?: boolean): void;
_iframeName: string;
_notifyStart: Function;
_dfdQueue: RequestDeferred<any>[];
_currentDfd: RequestDeferred<any>;
_fireNextRequest(): void;
* Send an HTTP GET request using the default transport for the current platform.
get<T>(url: string, options?: IFrameBaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP POST request using the default transport for the current platform.
post<T>(url: string, options?: IFrameBaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
/* dojo/request/node */
interface NodeRequestBaseOptions extends BaseOptions {
socketPath?: string;
headers?: { [header: string]: string };
agent?: string;
pfx?: any;
key?: string;
passphrase?: string;
cert?: any;
ca?: any;
ciphers?: string;
rejectUnauthorized?: boolean;
path?: string;
auth?: string;
username?: string;
password?: string;
socketOptions?: { timeout: number, noDelay: number, keepAlive: number };
interface NodeRequestOptions extends NodeRequestBaseOptions, MethodOptions { }
interface Node {
<T>(url: string, options?: NodeRequestOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP GET request using the default transport for the current platform.
get<T>(url: string, options?: NodeRequestBaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP POST request using the default transport for the current platform.
post<T>(url: string, options?: NodeRequestBaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP PUT request using the default transport for the current platform.
put<T>(url: string, options?: NodeRequestBaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP DELETE request using the default transport for the current platform.
del<T>(url: string, options?: NodeRequestBaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
/* dojo/request/notify */
/* TODO: Type in TS 1.8 */
/* type NotifyType = 'start' | 'send' | 'load' | 'error' | 'done' | 'stop'; */
interface Notify {
* Register a listener to be notified when an event
* in dojo/request happens.
(type: string /* NotifyType */, listener: (event: any) => void): Handle;
emit(type: string, event: any, cancel: boolean): any;
/* dojo/request/registry */
interface RegistryOptions extends BaseOptions, MethodOptions { }
interface RegistryFunction {
(url: string, options?: RequestOptions): boolean;
interface Provider<T> {
(url: string, options?: RequestOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
type RegisterUrlType = string | RegExp | RegistryFunction;
interface Registry {
<T>(url: string, options?: RegistryOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
register<T>(url: RegisterUrlType, provider: Provider<T>, first?: boolean): Handle;
load(id: string, parentRequire: Function, loaded: Function): void; /* TODO: Align with loader api */
* Send an HTTP GET request using the default transport for the current platform.
get<T>(url: string, options?: BaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP POST request using the default transport for the current platform.
post<T>(url: string, options?: BaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP PUT request using the default transport for the current platform.
put<T>(url: string, options?: BaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP DELETE request using the default transport for the current platform.
del<T>(url: string, options?: BaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
/* dojo/request/script */
interface ScriptBaseOptions extends BaseOptions {
* The URL parameter name that indicates the JSONP callback string.
* For instance, when using Yahoo JSONP calls it is normally,
* jsonp: "callback". For AOL JSONP calls it is normally
* jsonp: "c".
jsonp?: string;
* A string of JavaScript that when evaluated like so:
* "typeof(" + checkString + ") != 'undefined'"
* being true means that the script fetched has been loaded.
* Do not use this if doing a JSONP type of call (use `jsonp` instead).
checkString?: string;
* The Document object of a child iframe. If this is passed in, the script
* will be attached to that document. This can be helpful in some comet long-polling
* scenarios with Firefox and Opera.
frameDoc?: Document;
interface ScriptOptions extends ScriptBaseOptions, MethodOptions { }
interface Script {
* Sends a request using a script element with the given URL and options.
<T>(url: string, options: ScriptOptions, returnDeferred: boolean): RequestDeferred<T>;
<T>(url: string, options?: ScriptOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP GET request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
get<T>(url: string, options?: ScriptBaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
_attach(id: string, url: string, frameDoc?: Document): HTMLScriptElement;
_remove(id: string, frameDoc?: Document, cleanup?: boolean): void;
_callbacksProperty: string;
/* dojo/request/util */
interface Response<T> extends ParsedArgs {
xhr?: XMLHttpRequest;
requestOptions?: NodeRequestOptions;
clientRequest?: any;
hasSocket?: boolean;
clientResponse?: any;
status?: number;
text?: string;
data?: T;
interface RequestDeferred<T> extends Deferred<T> {
response: Response<T>;
isValid(response: Response<T>): boolean;
isReady(response: Response<T>): boolean;
handleResponse(response: Response<T>): Response<T>;
interface CommonMethods<O extends BaseOptions> {
* Send an HTTP GET request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
get<T>(url: string, options?: O): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP POST request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
post<T>(url: string, options?: O): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP PUT request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
put<T>(url: string, options?: O): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP DELETE request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
del<T>(url: string, options?: O): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
interface ParsedArgs {
url: string;
options: RequestOptions;
getHeader(headerName: string): string;
interface Util {
deepCopy<T extends Object, S extends Object>(target: T, source: S): T & S;
deepCreate<T extends Object, P extends Object>(source: T, properties?: P): T & P;
response: Response<T>,
cancel: (def: Deferred<Response<T>>, response: Response<T>) => void,
isValid: (response: Response<T>) => boolean,
isReady: (response: Response<T>) => boolean,
last?: boolean
): RequestDeferred<Response<T>>;
addCommonMethods<T extends Object>(provider: T, methods: string[]): T;
addCommonMethods<T extends Object>(provider: T): T & CommonMethods<BaseOptions>;
parseArgs(url: string, options: BaseOptions, skipData?: boolean): ParsedArgs;
checkStatus(): boolean;
/* dojo/request/watch */
interface Watch {
* Watches the io request represented by dfd to see if it completes.
<T>(dfd: DojoRequestPromise<T>): void;
* Cancels all pending IO requests, regardless of IO type
cancelAll(): void;
/* dojo/request/xhr */
interface XhrBaseOptions extends BaseOptions {
* Whether to make a synchronous request or not. Default
* is `false` (asynchronous).
sync?: boolean;
* Data to transfer. This is ignored for GET and DELETE
* requests.
data?: string | GenericObject | FormData;
* Headers to use for the request.
headers?: { [header: string]: string };
* Username to use during the request.
user?: string;
* Password to use during the request.
password?: string;
* For cross-site requests, whether to send credentials
* or not.
withCredentials?: boolean;
interface XhrOptions extends XhrBaseOptions, MethodOptions { }
interface Xhr {
* Sends a request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
<T>(url: string, options?: XhrOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP GET request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
get<T>(url: string, options?: XhrBaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP POST request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
post<T>(url: string, options?: XhrBaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP PUT request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
put<T>(url: string, options?: XhrBaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* Send an HTTP DELETE request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
del<T>(url: string, options?: XhrBaseOptions): DojoRequestPromise<T>;
* does the work of portably generating a new XMLHTTPRequest object.
_create(): XMLHttpRequest | ActiveXObject;
declare const dojoRequest: dojoRequest.Request;
export = dojoRequest;