import DropDownButton = require("./form/DropDownButton");
import _Widget = require("./_Widget");
import _TemplatedMixin = require("./_TemplatedMixin");
import { _WidgetBaseConstructor } from "./_WidgetBase";
import { CSSStateNodes, _CssStateMixin } from "./_CssStateMixin";
import { _MonthWidgetConstructor, CalendarLite } from "./CalendarLite";
interface _MonthDropDownButton extends DropDownButton<_MonthDropDown> {
onMonthSelect(): void;
postCreate(): void;
set(name: 'month', value: number): this;
set(name: string, value: any): this;
set(values: Object): this;
type _MonthDropDownButtonConstructor = _WidgetBaseConstructor<_MonthDropDownButton>;
interface _MonthDropDown extends _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _CssStateMixin {
months: string[];
baseClass: string;
templateString: string;
* Callback when month is selected from drop down
onChange(month: number): void;
set(name: 'months', value: string[]): this;
set(name: string, value: any): this;
set(values: Object): this;
type _MonthDropDownConstructor = _WidgetBaseConstructor<_MonthDropDown>;
interface Calendar extends CalendarLite, _Widget, _CssStateMixin {
baseClass: string;
* Set node classes for various mouse events, see dijit._CssStateMixin for more details
cssStateNodes: CSSStateNodes;
* Creates the drop down button that displays the current month and lets user pick a new one
_createMonthWidget(): _MonthDropDownButton;
postCreate(): void;
* Handler for when user selects a month from the drop down list
_onMonthSelect(newMonth: number): void;
* Handler for mouse over events on days, sets hovered style
_onDayMouseOver(evt: MouseEvent): void;
* Handler for mouse out events on days, clears hovered style
_onDayMouseOut(evt: MouseEvent): void;
_onDayMouseDown(evt: MouseEvent): void;
_onDayMouseUp(evt: MouseEvent): void;
* Provides keyboard navigation of calendar.
handleKey(evt: KeyboardEvent): void;
* For handling keydown events on a stand alone calendar
_onKeyDown(evt: KeyboardEvent): void;
* Deprecated. Notification that a date cell was selected. It may be the same as the previous value.
onValueSelected(date: Date): void;
onChange(date: Date): void;
* May be overridden to return CSS classes to associate with the date entry for the given dateObject
* for example to indicate a holiday in specified locale.
getClassForDate(dateObject: Date, locale?: string): string;
get(name: 'value'): Date;
get(name: string): any;
set(name: 'value', value: number | Date): this;
set(name: string, value: any): this;
set(values: Object): this;
interface CalendarConstructor extends _WidgetBaseConstructor<Calendar> {
_MonthWidget: _MonthWidgetConstructor;
_MonthDropDown: _MonthDropDownButtonConstructor;
_MonthDropDownButton: _MonthDropDownButtonConstructor;
declare const Calendar: CalendarConstructor;
export = Calendar;