import { Handle } from "dojo/interfaces";
import _WidgetBase = require("./_WidgetBase");
import declare = require("dojo/_base/declare");
import dojo = require("dojo/_base/html");
declare module "./_WidgetBase" {
interface _WidgetBase {
dojoAttachEvent: string;
dojoAttachPoint: string;
declare module "dojo/_base/kernel" {
interface Dijit {
_AttachMixin: _AttachMixinConstructor;
interface _AttachMixin {
* List of widget attribute names associated with data-dojo-attach-point=... in the template, ex: ["containerNode", "labelNode"]
_attachPoints: string[];
* List of connections associated with data-dojo-attach-event=... in the template
_attachEvents: Handle[];
* Object to which attach points and events will be scoped. Defaults to 'this'.
attachScope: any;
* Search descendants of this.containerNode for data-dojo-attach-point and data-dojo-attach-event.
* Should generally be left false (the default value) both for performance and to avoid failures when this.containerNode holds other _AttachMixin instances with their own attach points and events.
searchContainerNode: boolean;
* Attach to DOM nodes marked with special attributes.
buildRendering(): void;
* hook for _WidgetsInTemplateMixin
_beforeFillContent(): void;
* Iterate through the dom nodes and attach functions and nodes accordingly.
* Map widget properties and functions to the handlers specified in the dom node and it's descendants. This function iterates over all nodes and looks for these properties:
* - dojoAttachPoint/data-dojo-attach-point
* - dojoAttachEvent/data-dojo-attach-event
_attachTemplateNodes(rootNode: Element | Node): void;
* Process data-dojo-attach-point and data-dojo-attach-event for given node or widget.
* Returns true if caller should process baseNode's children too.
_processTemplateNode<T extends (Element | Node | _WidgetBase)>(
baseNode: T,
getAttrFunc: (baseNode: T, attr: string) => string,
attachFunc: (node: T, type: string, func?: Function) => Handle
): boolean;
* Roughly corresponding to dojo/on, this is the default function for processing a data-dojo-attach-event. Meant to attach to DOMNodes, not to widgets.
_attach(node: Element | Node, type: string, func?: Function): Handle;
* Detach and clean up the attachments made in _attachtempalteNodes.
_detachTemplateNodes(): void;
destroyRendering(preserveDom?: boolean): void;
interface _AttachMixinConstructor extends dojo._base.DeclareConstructor<_AttachMixin> { }
declare const _AttachMixin: _AttachMixinConstructor;
export = _AttachMixin;