import { PromiseOrValue, GenericConstructor } from "./interfaces";
import DojoPromise = require("./promise/Promise");
declare namespace dojoParser {
interface ParserOptions { }
interface ParserObjects {
ctor?: GenericConstructor<any>;
types?: string[];
node: Node;
scripts?: HTMLScriptElement[];
inherited?: { [prop: string]: any; };
interface InstancesArray extends Array<any>, DojoPromise<any> {}
interface Parser {
* Clear cached data. Used mainly for benchmarking.
_clearCache(): void;
* Convert a `<script type="dojo/method" args="a, b, c"> ... </script>`
* into a function
_functionFromScript(node: HTMLScriptElement, attrData: string): Function;
* Takes array of nodes, and turns them into class instances and
* potentially calls a startup method to allow them to connect with
* any children.
instantiate(nodes: Node[], mixin?: Object, options?: ParserOptions): any[];
* Takes array of objects representing nodes, and turns them into class instances and
* potentially calls a startup method to allow them to connect with
* any children.
_instantiate(nodes: ParserObjects[], mixin?: Object, options?: ParserOptions, returnPromise?: boolean): PromiseOrValue<any[]>;
* Calls new ctor(params, node), where params is the hash of parameters specified on the node,
* excluding data-dojo-type and data-dojo-mixins. Does not call startup().
ctor: GenericConstructor<T>,
node: Node, mixin?: Object,
options?: ParserOptions,
scripts?: HTMLScriptElement[],
inherited?: { [prop: string]: any; }
): PromiseOrValue<T>;
* Scan a DOM tree and return an array of objects representing the DOMNodes
* that need to be turned into widgets.
scan(root?: Node, options?: ParserOptions): DojoPromise<ParserObjects[]>;
* Helper for _scanAMD(). Takes a `<script type=dojo/require>bar: "acme/bar", ...</script>` node,
* calls require() to load the specified modules and (asynchronously) assign them to the specified global
* variables, and returns a Promise for when that operation completes.
* In the example above, it is effectively doing a require(["acme/bar", ...], function(a){ bar = a; }).
_require(script: HTMLScriptElement, options: ParserOptions): DojoPromise<any>;
* Scans the DOM for any declarative requires and returns their values.
_scanAmd(root?: Node, options?: ParserOptions): DojoPromise<boolean>;
* Scan the DOM for class instances, and instantiate them.
parse(rootNode?: Node, options?: ParserOptions): InstancesArray;
declare const dojoParser: dojoParser.Parser;
export = dojoParser;