##// END OF EJS Templates
Added tag v1.10.3 for changeset 078eca3dc271
Added tag v1.10.3 for changeset 078eca3dc271

File last commit:

r158:078eca3dc271 v1.10.3 default
r159:0b327f31e28f tip default
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241 lines | 8.3 KiB | video/mp2t | TypeScriptLexer
import { id as mid } from "module";
import { AccumulatorFn, Observable, Observer, OperatorFn, Producer, Sink, Subscribable, Unsubscribable } from "./interfaces";
import { TraceSource } from "@implab/core-amd/log/TraceSource";
import { Predicate } from "@implab/core-amd/interfaces";
import { Cancellation } from "@implab/core-amd/Cancellation";
import { Subscription, SubscriptionImpl } from "./SubscriptionImpl";
const trace = TraceSource.get(mid);
const noop = () => { };
const errorFallback = (e: unknown) => trace.error("Unhandled observable error: {0}", e);
type FusedSink<T> = Omit<Sink<T>, "isClosed">;
export const fuse = <T>(producer: Producer<T>) =>
(sink: FusedSink<T>, subscription: Subscription): Unsubscribable => {
next: subscription.around(sink.next),
complete: () => subscription.finalize() && sink.complete(),
error: err => subscription.finalize() && sink.error(err),
isClosed: subscription.isClosed.bind(subscription)
return subscription;
type FusedProducer<T> = (sink: FusedSink<T>, subscription: Subscription) => void;
export class ObservableImpl<T> implements Observable<T> {
private readonly _producer: FusedProducer<T>;
constructor(producer: FusedProducer<T>) {
this._producer = producer;
subscribe(consumer: Observer<T> = {}): Unsubscribable {
const error = (err: unknown) => consumer.error ? consumer.error(err) : errorFallback(err);
const next = consumer.next ? consumer.next.bind(consumer) : noop;
const complete = () => consumer.complete ? consumer.complete() : void (0);
const subscription = new SubscriptionImpl();
this._producer({ next, error, complete }, subscription);
return subscription;
map<T2>(mapper: (value: T) => T2) {
return new ObservableImpl<T2>(({ next, ...rest }, subscription) =>
(0, this._producer)(
next: next !== noop ? (v: T) => next(mapper(v)) : noop,
}, subscription
tap({ next: tapNext, complete: tapComplete, error: tapError }: Observer<T>) {
return new ObservableImpl<T>(({ next, complete, error }, subscription) =>
(0, this._producer)(
next: tapNext ? (v => (tapNext(v), next(v))) : next,
complete: tapComplete ? (() => (tapComplete(), complete())) : complete,
error: tapError ? (e => (tapError(e), error(e))) : error
filter(predicate: Predicate<T>) {
return new ObservableImpl<T>(({ next, ...rest }, subscription) =>
(0, this._producer)(
next: next !== noop ? (v: T) => predicate(v) ? next(v) : void (0) : noop,
until(predicate: Predicate<T>) {
return new ObservableImpl<T>(({ next, complete, ...rest }, subscription) =>
(0, this._producer)({
next: v => predicate(v) ? subscription.finalize() && complete() : next(v),
}, subscription)
while(predicate: Predicate<T>) {
return new ObservableImpl<T>(({ next, complete, ...rest }, subscription) =>
(0, this._producer)({
next: v => predicate(v) ? next(v) : subscription.finalize() && complete(),
}, subscription)
scan<A>(accumulator: AccumulatorFn<T, A>, initial: A): Observable<A>;
scan(accumulator: AccumulatorFn<T, T>): Observable<T>;
scan<A>(...args: [AccumulatorFn<T, A>, A] | [AccumulatorFn<T, T>]) {
if (args.length === 1) {
const [accumulator] = args;
return new ObservableImpl<T | A>(({ next, ...rest }, subscription) => {
let _acc: T;
let index = 0;
(0, this._producer)({
next: next !== noop ? (v: T) => next(
index++ === 0 ? _acc = v : _acc = accumulator(_acc, v)
) : noop,
}, subscription);
} else {
const [accumulator, initial] = args;
return new ObservableImpl<T | A>(({ next, ...rest }, subscription) => {
let _acc = initial;
(0, this._producer)({
next: next !== noop ? (v: T) => next(_acc = accumulator(_acc, v)) : noop,
}, subscription);
reduce<A>(accumulator: AccumulatorFn<T, A>, initial: A): Observable<A>;
reduce(accumulator: AccumulatorFn<T, T>): Observable<T>;
reduce<A>(...args: [AccumulatorFn<T, A>, A] | [AccumulatorFn<T, T>]) {
if (args.length === 1) {
const [accumulator] = args;
return new ObservableImpl<T>(({ next, complete, error }, subscription) => {
let _acc: T;
let index = 0;
(0, this._producer)({
next: next !== noop ? (v: T) => {
_acc = index++ === 0 ? v : accumulator(_acc, v);
} : noop,
complete: () => {
if (index === 0) {
error(new Error("The sequence can't be empty"));
} else {
}, subscription);
} else {
const [accumulator, initial] = args;
return new ObservableImpl<A>(({ next, complete, error }, subscription) => {
let _acc = initial;
(0, this._producer)({
next: next !== noop ? (v: T) => {
_acc = accumulator(_acc, v);
} : noop,
complete: () => {
}, subscription);
cat(...seq: Subscribable<T>[]) {
return new ObservableImpl<T>(({ next, complete: final, ...rest }, subscription) => {
const len = seq.length;
const complete = (i: number) => i < len ?
() => {
h = seq[i].subscribe({ next, complete: complete(i + 1), ...rest });
} : () => subscription.finalize() && final();
let h = this.subscribe({ next, complete: complete(0), ...rest });
subscription.teardown(() => h.unsubscribe());
pipe<U>(op: OperatorFn<T, U>): Observable<U> {
return op(this);
next(ct = Cancellation.none) {
return new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
const subscription = new SubscriptionImpl();
subscription.cancellable(ct, reject);
(0, this._producer)({
next: resolve,
complete: () => reject(new Error("The sequence is empty")),
error: reject,
}, subscription);
collect(ct = Cancellation.none) {
return new Promise<T[]>((resolve, reject) => {
const subscription = new SubscriptionImpl();
subscription.cancellable(ct, reject);
const acc: T[] = [];
(0, this._producer)({
next: (item: T) => acc.push(item),
complete: () => resolve(acc),
error: reject
}, subscription);
forEach(next: (item: T) => void, ct = Cancellation.none): Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
const subscription = new SubscriptionImpl();
subscription.cancellable(ct, reject);
(0, this._producer)({
complete: resolve,
error: reject
}, subscription);