import { id as mid } from "module"; import { TraceSource } from "@implab/core-amd/log/TraceSource"; import { argumentNotNull } from "@implab/core-amd/safe"; import { place } from "dojo/dom-construct"; import { getScope, render } from "./Renderer"; import { RenditionBase } from "./RenditionBase"; import { Scope } from "./Scope"; import { locateNode } from "./traits"; const trace = TraceSource.get(mid); export class WatchRendition extends RenditionBase { private readonly _factory: (arg: T) => any; private _node: Node; private readonly _scope = new Scope(); constructor(component: (arg: T) => any, subject: any) { super(); argumentNotNull(component, "component"); this._factory = component; this._node = document.createComment("WatchRendition placeholder"); } protected _create(attrs: object, children: any[]) { const _attrs: any = attrs || {}; const _children = => this.getItemDom(x)); this._node = this.getItemDom(, { ..._attrs, children: _children }) ); const scope = getScope(); scope.own(this._scope); // если отрендерили текст? или DocumentFragment } private async _render(value: T) { const [refNode, position] = locateNode(this._node); this._scope.clean(); this._node = await render(() => this._factory(value), this._scope); if (refNode) place(this._node, refNode, position); } protected _getDomNode() { if (!this._node) throw new Error("The instance of the widget isn't created"); return this._node; } }