import { NodeOrString, Handle, GenericConstructor } from "./interfaces"; declare namespace dojoQuery { /* dojo/query */ interface NodeListFilterCallback { (item: T, idx: number, nodeList: this): boolean; } type NodeListFilter = string | NodeListFilterCallback; interface NodeList extends ArrayLike { /** * decorate an array to make it look like a `dojo/NodeList`. */ _wrap(a: U[], parent?: NodeList, NodeListCtor?: NodeListConstructor): NodeList; _NodeListCtor: NodeListConstructor; toString(): string; /** * private function to hold to a parent NodeList. end() to return the parent NodeList. */ _stash(parent: Node): this; /** * Listen for events on the nodes in the NodeList. */ on(eventName: string, listener: EventListener): Handle[]; /** * Ends use of the current `NodeList` by returning the previous NodeList * that generated the current NodeList. */ end(): NodeList; /** * Returns a new NodeList, maintaining this one in place */ slice(begin: number, end?: number): this; /** * Returns a new NodeList, manipulating this NodeList based on * the arguments passed, potentially splicing in new elements * at an offset, optionally deleting elements */ splice(index: number, howmany?: number, ...items: T[]): this; /** * see `dojo/_base/array.indexOf()`. The primary difference is that the acted-on * array is implicitly this NodeList */ indexOf(value: T, fromIndex?: number, findLast?: boolean): number; /** * see `dojo/_base/array.lastIndexOf()`. The primary difference is that the * acted-on array is implicitly this NodeList */ lastIndexOf(value: T, fromIndex?: number): number; /** * see `dojo/_base/array.every()` and the [Array.every * docs]( * Takes the same structure of arguments and returns as * dojo/_base/array.every() with the caveat that the passed array is * implicitly this NodeList */ every(callback: (item: T, idx: number, nodeList: this) => boolean | string, thisObj?: Object): boolean; /** * Takes the same structure of arguments and returns as * `dojo/_base/array.some()` with the caveat that the passed array as * implicitly this NodeList. See `dojo/_base/array.some()` and Mozillaas * [Array.soas * documentation]( */ some(callback: (item: T, idx: number, nodeList: this) => boolean | string, thisObj?: Object): boolean; /** * Returns a new NodeList comprised of items in this NodeList * as well as items passed in as parameters */ concat(...items: T[]): this; /** * see `dojo/_base/`. The primary difference is that the acted-on * array is implicitly this NodeList and the return is a * NodeList (a subclass of Array) */ map(func: (item: T, idx: number, nodeList: this) => U, obj?: Object): NodeList; /** * see `dojo/_base/array.forEach()`. The primary difference is that the acted-on * array is implicitly this NodeList. If you want the option to break out * of the forEach loop, use every() or some() instead. */ forEach(callback: (item: T, idx: number, nodeList: this) => void, thisObj?: Object): this; /** * "masks" the built-in javascript filter() method (supported * in Dojo via `dojo/_base/array.filter`) to support passing a simple * string filter in addition to supporting filtering function * objects. */ filter(filter: NodeListFilter, thisObj?: Object): NodeList; /** * Create a new instance of a specified class, using the * specified properties and each node in the NodeList as a * srcNodeRef. */ instantiate(declaredClass: string | GenericConstructor, properties?: Object): this; /** * Returns a new NodeList comprised of items in this NodeList * at the given index or indices. */ at(...indices: number[]): this; } interface NodeListConstructor { new (array: number | Array): NodeList; new (...args: T[]): NodeList; (array: number | Array): NodeList; (...args: T[]): NodeList; prototype: NodeList; /** * decorate an array to make it look like a `dojo/NodeList`. */ _wrap(a: U[], parent?: NodeList, NodeListCtor?: NodeListConstructor): NodeList; /** * adapts a single node function to be used in the map-type * actions. The return is a new array of values, as via `dojo/_base/` */ _adaptAsMap(f: (node: T) => U, o?: Object): NodeList; /** * adapts a single node function to be used in the forEach-type * actions. The initial object is returned from the specialized * function. */ _adaptAsForEach(f: (node: T) => void, o?: Object): this; /** * adapts a single node function to be used in the filter-type actions */ _adaptAsFilter(f: (node: T) => boolean, o?: Object): this; /** * adapts a single node function to be used in the map-type * actions, behaves like forEach() or map() depending on arguments */ _adaptWithCondition(f: (node: T) => U | void, g: (...args: any[]) => boolean, o?: Object): NodeList | this; } interface Query { /** * Returns nodes which match the given CSS selector, searching the * entire document by default but optionally taking a node to scope * the search by. Returns an instance of NodeList. */ (query: string, root?: NodeOrString): NodeList; /** * Test to see if a node matches a selector */ matches(node: Node, selector: string, root?: NodeOrString): boolean; /** * Filters an array of nodes. Note that this does not guarantee to return a NodeList, just an array. */ filter(nodes: NodeList | T[], select: string, root?: NodeOrString): T[] | NodeList; /** * can be used as AMD plugin to conditionally load new query engine */ load(id: string, parentRequire: Function, loaded: Function): void; /* TODO: Align with loader api */ } } declare const dojoQuery: dojoQuery.Query; export = dojoQuery;