import { DeclareConstructor } from "dojo/_base/declare"; import _WidgetBase = require("./_WidgetBase"); interface _Container { buildRendering(): void; /** * Makes the given widget a child of this widget. */ addChild(widget: T, insertIndex?: number): void; /** * Removes the passed widget instance from this widget but does * not destroy it. You can also pass in an integer indicating * the index within the container to remove (ie, removeChild(5) removes the sixth widget) */ removeChild(widget: T): void; removeChild(widget: number): void; /** * Returns true if widget has child widgets, i.e. if this.containerNode contains widgets. */ hasChildren(): boolean; /** * Gets the index of the child in this container or -1 if not found */ getIndexOfChild(widget: T): number; } declare module "dojo/_base/kernel" { interface Dijit { _Container: _ContainerConstructor } } type _ContainerConstructor = DeclareConstructor<_Container>; declare const _Container: _ContainerConstructor; export = _Container;