import { NodeOrString } from "../interfaces"; import { CoordBox } from "./html"; import { NodeList as DojoNodeList, NodeListConstructor as DojoNodeListConstructor } from "../query"; declare module "../query" { interface NodeList { /** * Attach event handlers to every item of the NodeList. Uses dojo.connect() * so event properties are normalized. */ connect(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; connect(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; /** * Deprecated: Use position() for border-box x/y/w/h * or marginBox() for margin-box w/h/l/t. * Returns the box objects of all elements in a node list as * an Array (*not* a NodeList). Acts like `domGeom.coords`, though assumes * the node passed is each node in this list. */ coords(node: NodeOrString, includeScroll?: boolean): CoordBox[]; onblur(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onblur(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onfocus(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onfocus(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onchange(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onchange(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onclick(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onclick(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onerror(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onerror(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onkeydown(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onkeydown(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onkeypress(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onkeypress(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onkeyup(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onkeyup(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onload(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onload(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; ondown(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; ondown(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onmouseenter(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onmouseenter(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onmouseleave(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onmouseleave(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onmousemove(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onmousemove(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onmouseout(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onmouseout(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onmouseover(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onmouseover(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onmouseup(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onmouseup(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; onsubmit(method: string, objOrFunc: EventListener | string): this; onsubmit(method: string, objOrFunc: Object, funcName: string): this; } interface NodeListConstructor { // "blur", "focus", "change", "click", "error", "keydown", "keypress", // "keyup", "load", "mousedown", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "mousemove", // "mouseout", "mouseover", "mouseup", "submit" events: string[]; } } declare module "./kernel" { interface Dojo { NodeList: DojoNodeListConstructor } } declare const DojoNodeList: DojoNodeListConstructor; export = DojoNodeList;