import dom = require("dojo/dom-construct"); import { argumentNotNull } from "@implab/core-amd/safe"; import { BuildContextBase } from "./BuildContextBase"; import { MapOf } from "@implab/core-amd/interfaces"; // tslint:disable-next-line: class-name export interface _Widget { domNode: Node; get(attr: string): any; set(attr: string, value: any): void; set(attrs: MapOf): void; containerNode?: Node } export type _WidgetCtor = new (attrs: any, srcNode?: string | Node) => _Widget; export class WidgetContext extends BuildContextBase { widgetClass: _WidgetCtor; _instance: _Widget | undefined; constructor(widgetClass: _WidgetCtor) { super(); argumentNotNull(widgetClass, "widgetClass"); this.widgetClass = widgetClass; } _addChild(child: any): void { if (!this._instance || !this._instance.containerNode) throw new Error("Widget doesn't support adding children");, this._instance.containerNode); } _setAttrs(attrs: object): void { this._instance?.set(attrs); } _create(attrs: object, children: any[]) { this._instance = new this.widgetClass(this._attrs); if (children) children.forEach(x => this._addChild(x)); } _getDomNode() { if (!this._instance) throw new Error("The instance of the widget isn't created"); return this._instance.domNode; } }