import { DeclareConstructor } from "dojo/_base/declare"; interface _DialogMixin { /** * HTML snippet to show the action bar (gray bar with OK/cancel buttons). * Blank by default, but used by ConfirmDialog/ConfirmTooltipDialog subclasses. */ actionBarTemplate: string; /** * Callback when the user hits the submit button. * Override this method to handle Dialog execution. */ execute(formContents?: any): void; /** * Called when user has pressed the Dialog's cancel button, to notify container. */ onCancel(): void; /** * Called when user has pressed the dialog's OK button, to notify container. */ onExecute(): void; } declare module "dojo/_base/kernel" { interface Dijit { _DialogMixin: _DialogMixinConstructor } } type _DialogMixinConstructor = DeclareConstructor<_DialogMixin>; declare const _DialogMixin: _DialogMixinConstructor; export = _DialogMixin;