import { DomGeometryBox } from "dojo/dom-geometry"; import dijit = require("../main"); import { PlacePosition, LayoutNodeFunction, PlaceCorner, PlaceLocation } from "../place"; type placeOnScreenAround = (node: Element, aroundNode: Element, aroundCorners: Object | any[], layoutNode?: LayoutNodeFunction) => void; /** * Deprecated back compatibility module, new code should use dijit/place directly instead of using this module. */ declare module "dojo/_base/kernel" { interface Dijit { /** * Deprecated method to return the dimensions and scroll position of the viewable area of a browser window. * * New code should use windowUtils.getBox() */ getViewport(): DomGeometryBox; placeOnScreen(node: Element, pos?: PlacePosition, corners?: PlaceCorner[], padding?: PlacePosition, layoutNode?: LayoutNodeFunction): PlaceLocation; /** * Like dijit.placeOnScreenAroundNode(), except it accepts an arbitrary object for the "around" argument and finds a proper processor to place a node. * * Deprecated, new code should use dijit/place.around() instead. */ placeOnScreenAroundElement: placeOnScreenAround; /** * Position node adjacent or kitty-corner to aroundNode such that it's fully visible in viewport. * * Deprecated, new code should use dijit/place.around() instead. */ placeOnScreenAroundNode: placeOnScreenAround; /** * Like dijit.placeOnScreenAroundNode(), except that the "around" parameter is an arbitrary rectangle on the screen (x, y, width, height) instead of a dom node. * * Deprecated, new code should use dijit/place.around() instead. */ placeOnScreenAroundRectangle: placeOnScreenAround; /** * Deprecated method, unneeded when using dijit/place directly. * * Transforms the passed array of preferred positions into a format suitable for passing as the aroundCorners argument to dijit/place.placeOnScreenAroundElement. */ getPopupAroundAlignment(position: string[], leftToRight?: boolean): { [s: string]: PlaceCorner }; } } export = dijit;