interface OpenAjaxLibrary {
prefix: string;
namespaceURI: string;
version: string;
extraData: any;
interface OpenAjaxHub {
implementer: string;
implVersion: string;
specVersion: string;
implExtraData: { [prop: string]: any };
libraries: { [name: string]: OpenAjaxLibrary };
registerLibrary(prefix: string, nsURL: string, extra: any): void;
unregisterLibrary(prefix: string): void;
_subscriptions: { c: Object; s: any[]; };
_cleanup: any[];
_subIndex: number;
_pubDepth: number;
subscribe(name: string, callback: (name: string, msg: any, d: any) => void, scope?: Object, subscriberData?: any, filter?: (name: string, msg: any, d: any) => boolean): string;
publish(name: string, message: any): void;
unsubscribe(sub: string): void;
_subscribe(tree: { c: Object; s: any[]; }, path: string[], index: number, sub: Object): void;
_publish(tree: { c: Object; s: any[]; }, path: string[], index: number, name: string, msg: any): void;
_unsubscribe(tree: { c: Object; s: any[]; }, path: string[], index: number, sid: number): void;
* The following function is provided for automatic testing purposes.
* It is not expected to be deployed in run-time OpenAjax Hub implementations.
reinit(): void;
interface OpenAjax {
new (): OpenAjax;
hub: OpenAjaxHub;
declare var OpenAjax: OpenAjax;