/// /* dojo/fx */ declare namespace dojo { namespace _base { interface AnimationStartEnd { start?: number | string; end?: number | string; } interface AnimationArgumentsProperties { top?: number | AnimationStartEnd; left?: number | AnimationStartEnd; height?: number | AnimationStartEnd; } interface Fx { /** * Chain a list of `dojo/_base/fx.Animation`s to run in sequence */ chain(animations: Animation[]): Animation; chain(...animations: Animation[]): Animation; /** * Combine a list of `dojo/_base/fx.Animation`s to run in parallel */ combine(animations: Animation[]): Animation; combine(...animations: Animation[]): Animation; /** * Expand a node to it's natural height. */ wipeIn(args: AnimationArguments): Animation; /** * Shrink a node to nothing and hide it. */ wipeOut(args: AnimationArguments): Animation; /** * Slide a node to a new top/left position */ slideTo(args: AnimationArguments): Animation; } } } declare module 'dojo/fx' { const coreFx: dojo._base.Fx; export = coreFx; } /* dojo/fx/easing */ declare namespace dojo { namespace fx { interface Easing { linear(n?: number): number; quadIn(n?: number): number; quadOut(n?: number): number; quadInOut(n?: number): number; cubicIn(n?: number): number; cubicOut(n?: number): number; cubicInOut(n?: number): number; quartIn(n?: number): number; quartOut(n?: number): number; quartInOut(n?: number): number; quintIn(n?: number): number; quintOut(n?: number): number; qunitInOut(n?: number): number; sineIn(n?: number): number; sineOut(n?: number): number; sineInOut(n?: number): number; expoIn(n?: number): number; expoOut(n?: number): number; expoInOut(n?: number): number; circIn(n?: number): number; circOut(n?: number): number; circInOut(n?: number): number; /** * An easing function that starts away from the target, * and quickly accelerates towards the end value. * * Use caution when the easing will cause values to become * negative as some properties cannot be set to negative values. */ backIn(n?: number): number; /** * An easing function that pops past the range briefly, and slowly comes back. */ backOut(n?: number): number; /** * An easing function combining the effects of `backIn` and `backOut` */ backInOut(n?: number): number; /** * An easing function the elastically snaps from the start value */ elasticIn(n?: number): number; /** * An easing function that elasticly snaps around the target value, * near the end of the Animation */ elasticOut(n?: number): number; /** * An easing function that elasticly snaps around the value, near * the beginning and end of the Animation. */ elasticInOut(n?: number): number; /** * An easing function that 'bounces' near the beginning of an Animation */ bounceIn(n?: number): number; /** * An easing function that 'bounces' near the end of an Animation */ bounceOut(n?: number): number; /** * An easing function that 'bounces' at the beginning and end of the Animation */ bounceInOut(n?: number): number; } } } declare module 'dojo/fx/easing' { const easing: dojo.fx.Easing; export = easing; } /* dojo/fx/Toggler */ declare namespace dojo { namespace fx { interface TogglerArguments extends _base.AnimationArguments { } interface Toggler { _showArgs: TogglerArguments; _showAnim: _base.Animation; _hideArgs: TogglerArguments; _hideAnim: _base.Animation; _isShowing: boolean; _isHiding: boolean; /** * the node to target for the showing and hiding animations */ node: Node; /** * The function that returns the `dojo.Animation` to show the node */ showFunc: (args: _base.FadeArguments) => _base.Animation; /** * The function that returns the `dojo.Animation` to hide the node */ hideFunc: (args: _base.FadeArguments) => _base.Animation; /** * Time in milliseconds to run the show Animation */ showDuration: number; /** * Time in milliseconds to run the hide Animation */ hideDuration: number; /** * Toggle the node to showing */ show(delay?: number): _base.Animation; /** * Toggle the node to hidden */ hide(delay?: number): _base.Animation; } interface TogglerConstructor { /** * A simple `dojo.Animation` toggler API. */ new (args: TogglerArguments): Toggler; prototype: Toggler; } } }