declare namespace dojo {
namespace store {
namespace api {
type Identity = number | string;
/* dojo/store/api/Store */
interface SortInformation {
* The name of the attribute to sort on.
attribute: string;
* The direction of the sort. Default is false.
descending?: boolean;
interface QueryOptions {
* A list of attributes to sort on, as well as direction
* For example:
* | [{attribute:"price", descending: true}].
* If the sort parameter is omitted, then the natural order of the store may be
* applied if there is a natural order.
sort?: SortInformation[];
* The first result to begin iteration on
start?: number;
* The number of how many results should be returned.
count?: number;
interface QueryEngineFunction {
(array: T[]): T[];
matches(object: T): boolean;
type BaseQueryType = string | object | ((...params: unknown[]) => boolean);
interface QueryEngine {
(query: Q, options?: O): QueryEngineFunction;
interface PutDirectives {
* Indicates the identity of the object if a new object is created
id?: Identity;
* If the collection of objects in the store has a natural ordering,
* this indicates that the created or updated object should be placed before the
* object specified by the value of this property. A value of null indicates that the
* object should be last.
before?: T;
* If the store is hierarchical (with single parenting) this property indicates the
* new parent of the created or updated object.
parent?: T;
* If this is provided as a boolean it indicates that the object should or should not
* overwrite an existing object. A value of true indicates that a new object
* should not be created, the operation should update an existing object. A
* value of false indicates that an existing object should not be updated, a new
* object should be created (which is the same as an add() operation). When
* this property is not provided, either an update or creation is acceptable.
overwrite?: boolean;
interface SyncQueryResults extends Array {
total?: number;
interface AsyncQueryResults extends PromiseLike> {
* Iterates over the query results, based on
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/objects/Array/forEach.
* Note that this may executed asynchronously. The callback may be called
* after this function returns.
forEach(callback: (item: T, index: number, results: Array) => void, thisObject?: object): PromiseLike;
* Filters the query results, based on
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Objects/Array/filter.
* Note that this may executed asynchronously. The callback may be called
* after this function returns.
filter(callback: (item: T, index: number, results: Array) => boolean, thisObject?: object): PromiseLike>;
* Maps the query results, based on
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Objects/Array/map.
* Note that this may executed asynchronously. The callback may be called
* after this function returns.
map(callback: (item: T, index: number, results: Array) => U, thisObject?: object): PromiseLike>;
/** Cancells the current query */
cancel(reason?: any): void;
total?: PromiseLike;
type QueryResults = SyncQueryResults | AsyncQueryResults;
interface Transaction {
* Commits the transaction. This may throw an error if it fails. Of if the operation
* is asynchronous, it may return a promise that represents the eventual success
* or failure of the commit.
commit(): void;
* Aborts the transaction. This may throw an error if it fails. Of if the operation
* is asynchronous, it may return a promise that represents the eventual success
* or failure of the abort.
abort(): void;
interface Transacted {
* Starts a new transaction.
* Note that a store user might not call transaction() prior to using put,
* delete, etc. in which case these operations effectively could be thought of
* as "auto-commit" style actions.
transaction(): Transaction;
interface MetadataProvider {
* Returns any metadata about the object. This may include attribution,
* cache directives, history, or version information.
getMetadata(object: T): object;
interface IdentityProvider {
* If the store has a single primary key, this indicates the property to use as the
* identity property. The values of this property should be unique.
idProperty: keyof T;
* Returns an object's identity
getIdentity(object: T): Identity;
interface Queryable<
T extends object,
Q extends BaseQueryType,
O extends QueryOptions,
R extends QueryResults = QueryResults> {
* Queries the store for objects. This does not alter the store, but returns a
* set of data from the store.
query(query?: Q, options?: O): R;
interface SyncStore | ((item: T) => boolean) | string, O extends QueryOptions = QueryOptions>
extends IdentityProvider, Queryable> {
* If the store can be queried locally (on the client side in JS), this defines
* the query engine to use for querying the data store.
* This takes a query and query options and returns a function that can execute
* the provided query on a JavaScript array. The queryEngine may be replace to
* provide more sophisticated querying capabilities. For example:
* | var query = store.queryEngine({foo:"bar"}, {count:10});
* | query(someArray) -> filtered array
* The returned query function may have a "matches" property that can be
* used to determine if an object matches the query. For example:
* | query.matches({id:"some-object", foo:"bar"}) -> true
* | query.matches({id:"some-object", foo:"something else"}) -> false
queryEngine?: QueryEngine;
* Retrieves an object by its identity
get(id: Identity): T;
* Stores an object
put(object: T, directives?: PutDirectives): unknown;
* Creates an object, throws an error if the object already exists
add(object: T, directives?: PutDirectives): unknown;
* Deletes an object by its identity
remove(id: Identity): void;
interface AsyncStore | ((item: T) => boolean) | string, O extends QueryOptions = QueryOptions>
extends IdentityProvider, Queryable> {
* If the store can be queried locally (on the client side in JS), this defines
* the query engine to use for querying the data store.
* This takes a query and query options and returns a function that can execute
* the provided query on a JavaScript array. The queryEngine may be replace to
* provide more sophisticated querying capabilities. For example:
* | var query = store.queryEngine({foo:"bar"}, {count:10});
* | query(someArray) -> filtered array
* The returned query function may have a "matches" property that can be
* used to determine if an object matches the query. For example:
* | query.matches({id:"some-object", foo:"bar"}) -> true
* | query.matches({id:"some-object", foo:"something else"}) -> false
queryEngine?: QueryEngine;
* Retrieves an object by its identity
get(id: Identity): PromiseLike;
* Stores an object
put(object: T, directives?: PutDirectives): PromiseLike;
* Creates an object, throws an error if the object already exists
add(object: T, directives?: PutDirectives): PromiseLike;
* Deletes an object by its identity
remove(id: string | number): PromiseLike;
interface HierarchicalStore = QueryResults> {
* Retrieves the children of an object.
getChildren(parent: T, options?: O): R;
interface Store | ((item: T) => boolean) | string, O extends QueryOptions = QueryOptions>
extends IdentityProvider, Queryable {
* If the store can be queried locally (on the client side in JS), this defines
* the query engine to use for querying the data store.
* This takes a query and query options and returns a function that can execute
* the provided query on a JavaScript array. The queryEngine may be replace to
* provide more sophisticated querying capabilities. For example:
* | var query = store.queryEngine({foo:"bar"}, {count:10});
* | query(someArray) -> filtered array
* The returned query function may have a "matches" property that can be
* used to determine if an object matches the query. For example:
* | query.matches({id:"some-object", foo:"bar"}) -> true
* | query.matches({id:"some-object", foo:"something else"}) -> false
queryEngine?: QueryEngine;
* Retrieves an object by its identity
get(id: Identity): T | PromiseLike;
* Stores an object
put(object: T, directives?: PutDirectives): unknown;
* Creates an object, throws an error if the object already exists
add(object: T, directives?: PutDirectives): unknown;
* Deletes an object by its identity
remove(id: Identity): void | PromiseLike;
interface StoreConstructor {
new (): Store;
namespace util {
/* dojo/store/util/QueryResults */
interface QueryResultsFunction {
* A function that wraps the results of a store query with additional
* methods.
(results: T[]): api.SyncQueryResults;
(results: PromiseLike): api.AsyncQueryResults;
/* dojo/store/util/SimpleQueryEngine */
interface SimpleQueryEngine extends api.QueryEngine