import org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem; plugins { id "org.implab.gradle-typescript" version "1.3.4" } def isWindows = OperatingSystem.current().isWindows(); npm { npmCmd = isWindows ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm'; } sources { main { me -> ts { // to check typings with the compiler srcDir me.typings } } } typescript { compilerOptions { lib = ["es5", "dom", "scripthost", "es2015.promise", "es2015.symbol", "es2015.iterable"] declaration = true types = ["requirejs"] module = "amd" = "es5" moduleResolution = "node" // traceResolution = true } // для варианта с локальными tsc, eslint, tslint tscCmd = "${projectDir}/node_modules/.bin/" + (isWindows ? 'tsc.cmd' : 'tsc') esLintCmd = "${projectDir}/node_modules/.bin/" + (isWindows ? 'eslint.cmd' : 'eslint') tsLintCmd = "${projectDir}/node_modules/.bin/" + (isWindows ? 'tslint.cmd' : 'tslint') } configureTsTest { compilerOptions { types = ["../main/typings/dojo/modules","../main/typings/dijit/modules"]; } } npmPackMeta { meta { name = "@$npmScope/$" } } task printVersion { doLast { println "packageName: ${npmPackMeta.metadata.get().name}"; println "version: $version"; println "target: $"; println "module: $typescript.compilerOptions.module"; println "symbols: $symbols"; } }