declare namespace dojo {
/* general implied types */
type NodeOrString = Node | string;
type ElementOrString = Element | string;
type NodeFragmentOrString = NodeOrString | DocumentFragment;
interface GenericConstructor {
new (...args: any[]): T;
prototype: T;
interface GenericObject {
[id: string]: any;
interface GenericFunction {
(...args: any[]): T;
interface Handle {
remove(): void;
interface EventListener {
(evt: any): void;
interface BuildProfile {
resourceTags: { [tag: string]: (filename: string, mid?: string) => boolean; };
interface Package {
location?: string;
main?: string;
name?: string;
export interface ModuleMap extends ModuleMapItem {
[ sourceMid: string ]: ModuleMapReplacement;
export interface ModuleMapItem {
[ mid: string ]: /* ModuleMapReplacement | ModuleMap */ any;
export interface ModuleMapReplacement extends ModuleMapItem {
[ findMid: string ]: /* replaceMid */ string;
/* dojo/AdapterRegistry */
interface AdapterRegistry {
* register a check function to determine if the wrap function or
* object gets selected
register(name: string, check: (...args: any[]) => boolean, wrap: Function, directReturn?: boolean, override?: boolean): void;
* Find an adapter for the given arguments. If no suitable adapter
* is found, throws an exception. match() accepts any number of
* arguments, all of which are passed to all matching functions
* from the registered pairs.
match(...args: any[]): any;
* Remove a named adapter from the registry
unregister(name: string): boolean;
interface AdapterRegistryConstructor {
new (returnWrappers?: boolean): AdapterRegistry;
prototype: AdapterRegistry;
/* dojo/aspect */
interface AfterAdvice {
(result: T, ...args: any[]): T;
interface AroundAdvice {
(origFn: GenericFunction): (...args: any[]) => T;
interface BeforeAdvice {
(...args: any[]): any[] | void;
interface Aspect {
* The "before" export of the aspect module is a function that can be used to attach
* "before" advice to a method. This function will be executed before the original attach
* is executed. This function will be called with the arguments used to call the mattach
* This function may optionally return an array as the new arguments to use tattach
* the original method (or the previous, next-to-execute before advice, if one exattach
* If the before method doesn't return anything (returns undefined) the original argattach
* will be presattach
* If there are multiple "before" advisors, they are executed in the reverse order they were registered.
before(target: GenericObject, methodName: string, advice: BeforeAdvice | Function): Handle;
* The "around" export of the aspect module is a function that can be used to attach
* "around" advice to a method. The advisor function is immediately executeattach
* the around() is called, is passed a single argument that is a function that attach
* called to continue execution of the original method (or the next around advattach
* The advisor function should return a function, and this function will be called whattach
* the method is called. It will be called with the arguments used to call the mattach
* Whatever this function returns will be returned as the result of the method call (unless after advise changes it).
around(target: GenericObject, methodName: string, advice: AroundAdvice | Function): Handle;
* The "after" export of the aspect module is a function that can be used to attach
* "after" advice to a method. This function will be executed after the original method
* is executed. By default the function will be called with a single argument, the return
* value of the original method, or the the return value of the last executed advice (if a previous one exists).
* The fourth (optional) argument can be set to true to so the function receives the original
* arguments (from when the original method was called) rather than the return value.
* If there are multiple "after" advisors, they are executed in the order they were registered.
after(target: GenericObject, methodName: string, advice: AfterAdvice | Function, receiveArguments?: boolean): Handle;
/* dojo/back */
interface BackArgs {
back?: GenericFunction;
forward?: GenericFunction;
changeUrl?: boolean | string;
interface Back {
getHash(): string;
setHash(h: string): void;
* private method. Do not call this directly.
goBack(): void;
* private method. Do not call this directly.
goForward(): void;
* Initializes the undo stack. This must be called from a `
* into a function
_functionFromScript(node: HTMLScriptElement, attrData: string): Function;
* Takes array of nodes, and turns them into class instances and
* potentially calls a startup method to allow them to connect with
* any children.
instantiate(nodes: Node[], mixin?: Object, options?: ParserOptions): any[];
* Takes array of objects representing nodes, and turns them into class instances and
* potentially calls a startup method to allow them to connect with
* any children.
_instantiate(nodes: ParserObjects[], mixin?: Object, options?: ParserOptions, returnPromise?: boolean): any[] | promise.Promise;
* Calls new ctor(params, node), where params is the hash of parameters specified on the node,
* excluding data-dojo-type and data-dojo-mixins. Does not call startup().
ctor: GenericConstructor,
node: Node, mixin?: Object,
options?: ParserOptions,
scripts?: HTMLScriptElement[],
inherited?: { [prop: string]: any; }
): promise.Promise | T;
* Scan a DOM tree and return an array of objects representing the DOMNodes
* that need to be turned into widgets.
scan(root?: Node, options?: ParserOptions): promise.Promise;
* Helper for _scanAMD(). Takes a `` node,
* calls require() to load the specified modules and (asynchronously) assign them to the specified global
* variables, and returns a Promise for when that operation completes.
* In the example above, it is effectively doing a require(["acme/bar", ...], function(a){ bar = a; }).
_require(script: HTMLScriptElement, options: ParserOptions): promise.Promise;
* Scans the DOM for any declarative requires and returns their values.
_scanAmd(root?: Node, options?: ParserOptions): promise.Promise;
* Scan the DOM for class instances, and instantiate them.
parse(rootNode?: Node, options?: ParserOptions): InstancesArray;
/* dojo/query */
interface NodeListFilterCallback {
(item: T, idx: number, nodeList: this): boolean;
type NodeListFilter = string | NodeListFilterCallback;
interface NodeList extends ArrayLike {
* decorate an array to make it look like a `dojo/NodeList`.
_wrap(a: U[], parent?: NodeList, NodeListCtor?: NodeListConstructor): NodeList;
_NodeListCtor: NodeListConstructor;
toString(): string;
* private function to hold to a parent NodeList. end() to return the parent NodeList.
_stash(parent: Node): this;
* Listen for events on the nodes in the NodeList.
on(eventName: string, listener: EventListener): Handle[];
* Ends use of the current `NodeList` by returning the previous NodeList
* that generated the current NodeList.
end(): NodeList;
* Returns a new NodeList, maintaining this one in place
slice(begin: number, end?: number): this;
* Returns a new NodeList, manipulating this NodeList based on
* the arguments passed, potentially splicing in new elements
* at an offset, optionally deleting elements
splice(index: number, howmany?: number, ...items: T[]): this;
* see `dojo/_base/array.indexOf()`. The primary difference is that the acted-on
* array is implicitly this NodeList
indexOf(value: T, fromIndex?: number, findLast?: boolean): number;
* see `dojo/_base/array.lastIndexOf()`. The primary difference is that the
* acted-on array is implicitly this NodeList
lastIndexOf(value: T, fromIndex?: number): number;
* see `dojo/_base/array.every()` and the [Array.every
* docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/every).
* Takes the same structure of arguments and returns as
* dojo/_base/array.every() with the caveat that the passed array is
* implicitly this NodeList
every(callback: (item: T, idx: number, nodeList: this) => boolean | string, thisObj?: Object): boolean;
* Takes the same structure of arguments and returns as
* `dojo/_base/array.some()` with the caveat that the passed array as
* implicitly this NodeList. See `dojo/_base/array.some()` and Mozillaas
* [Array.soas
* documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/some).
some(callback: (item: T, idx: number, nodeList: this) => boolean | string, thisObj?: Object): boolean;
* Returns a new NodeList comprised of items in this NodeList
* as well as items passed in as parameters
concat(...items: T[]): this;
* see `dojo/_base/array.map()`. The primary difference is that the acted-on
* array is implicitly this NodeList and the return is a
* NodeList (a subclass of Array)
map(func: (item: T, idx: number, nodeList: this) => U, obj?: Object): NodeList;
* see `dojo/_base/array.forEach()`. The primary difference is that the acted-on
* array is implicitly this NodeList. If you want the option to break out
* of the forEach loop, use every() or some() instead.
forEach(callback: (item: T, idx: number, nodeList: this) => void, thisObj?: Object): this;
* "masks" the built-in javascript filter() method (supported
* in Dojo via `dojo/_base/array.filter`) to support passing a simple
* string filter in addition to supporting filtering function
* objects.
filter(filter: NodeListFilter, thisObj?: Object): NodeList;
* Create a new instance of a specified class, using the
* specified properties and each node in the NodeList as a
* srcNodeRef.
instantiate(declaredClass: string | GenericConstructor, properties?: Object): this;
* Returns a new NodeList comprised of items in this NodeList
* at the given index or indices.
at(...indices: number[]): this;
interface NodeListConstructor {
new (array: number | Array): NodeList;
new (...args: T[]): NodeList;
(array: number | Array): NodeList;
(...args: T[]): NodeList;
prototype: NodeList;
* decorate an array to make it look like a `dojo/NodeList`.
_wrap(a: U[], parent?: NodeList, NodeListCtor?: NodeListConstructor): NodeList;
* adapts a single node function to be used in the map-type
* actions. The return is a new array of values, as via `dojo/_base/array.map`
_adaptAsMap(f: (node: T) => U, o?: Object): NodeList;
* adapts a single node function to be used in the forEach-type
* actions. The initial object is returned from the specialized
* function.
_adaptAsForEach(f: (node: T) => void, o?: Object): this;
* adapts a single node function to be used in the filter-type actions
_adaptAsFilter(f: (node: T) => boolean, o?: Object): this;
* adapts a single node function to be used in the map-type
* actions, behaves like forEach() or map() depending on arguments
_adaptWithCondition(f: (node: T) => U | void, g: (...args: any[]) => boolean, o?: Object): NodeList | this;
interface Query {
* Returns nodes which match the given CSS selector, searching the
* entire document by default but optionally taking a node to scope
* the search by. Returns an instance of NodeList.
(query: string, root?: NodeOrString): NodeList;
* Test to see if a node matches a selector
matches(node: Node, selector: string, root?: NodeOrString): boolean;
* Filters an array of nodes. Note that this does not guarantee to return a NodeList, just an array.
filter(nodes: NodeList | T[], select: string, root?: NodeOrString): T[] | NodeList;
* can be used as AMD plugin to conditionally load new query engine
load(id: string, parentRequire: Function, loaded: Function): void; /* TODO: Align with loader api */
/* dojo/ready */
interface Ready {
* Add a function to execute on DOM content loaded and all requested modules have arrived and been evaluated.
* In most cases, the `domReady` plug-in should suffice and this method should not be needed.
* When called in a non-browser environment, just checks that all requested modules have arrived and been
* evaluated.
(callback: Function): void;
(context: Object, callback: Function | string): void;
(priority: number, callback: Function): void;
(priority: number, context: Object, callback: Function | string): void;
/* dojo/regexp */
interface RegExpModule {
* Adds escape sequences for special characters in regular expressions
escapeString(str: string, except?: string): string;
* Builds a regular expression that groups subexpressions
buildGroupRE(arr: any[] | Object, re: (item: any) => string, nonCapture?: boolean): string;
* adds group match to expression
group(expression: string, nonCapture?: boolean): string;
/* dojo/request */
/* This is contained in request.d.ts */
/* dojo/require */
interface RequirePlugin {
dynamic: number;
normalize(id: string): string;
load(mid: string, require: any, loaded: (...modules: any[]) => void): void;
/* dojo/robot */
interface Robot extends doh.Robot {
_resolveNode(n: NodeOrString | (() => Node)): Node;
_scrollIntoView(n: Node): void;
_position(n: Node): DomGeometryBoxExtents;
_getWindowChain(n: Node): Window[];
* Scroll the passed node into view, if it is not.
scrollIntoView(node: NodeOrString | (() => Node), delay?: number): void;
* Moves the mouse over the specified node at the specified relative x,y offset.
node: NodeOrString | (() => Node),
delay?: number,
duration?: number,
offsetX?: number,
offsetY?: number
): void;
/* dojo/robotx */
interface RobotX extends Robot {
* Called every time a new page is loaded into the iframe, to setup variables
* Point dojo.global, dojo.publish, etc. to refer to iframe.
* Remove for 2.0?
_updateDocument(): void;
* Opens the application at the specified URL for testing, redirecting dojo to point to the application
* environment instead of the test environment.
initRobot(url: string): void;
* Notifies DOH that the doh.robot is about to make a page change in the application it is driving,
* returning a doh.Deferred object the user should return in their runTest function as part of a DOH test.
waitForPageToLoad(submitActions: () => void): any;
/* dojo/router */
/* Module just exports instance of dojo.router.BaseRouter */
/* dojo/sniff */
interface Has {
(name: 'air'): boolean;
(name: 'wp'): void | number;
(name: 'msapp'): void | number;
(name: 'khtml'): void | number;
(name: 'edge'): void | number;
(name: 'opr'): void | number;
(name: 'webkit'): void | number;
(name: 'chrome'): void | number;
(name: 'android'): void | number;
(name: 'safari'): void | number;
(name: 'mac'): boolean;
(name: 'quirks'): boolean;
(name: 'iphone'): void | number;
(name: 'ipod'): void | number;
(name: 'ipad'): void | number;
(name: 'ios'): void | number;
(name: 'bb'): void | number | boolean;
(name: 'trident'): void | number;
(name: 'svg'): boolean;
(name: 'opera'): void | number;
(name: 'mozilla'): void | number;
(name: 'ff'): void | number;
(name: 'ie'): void | number;
(name: 'wii'): boolean | any;
/* Just rexports has after adding features */
/* dojo/Stateful */
interface WatchHandle extends Handle {
unwatch(): void;
interface Stateful {
* Used across all instances a hash to cache attribute names and their getter
* and setter names.
_attrPairNames: { [attr: string]: string };
* Helper function for get() and set().
* Caches attribute name values so we don't do the string ops every time.
_getAttrNames(name: string): string;
* Automatic setting of params during construction
postscript(params?: Object): void;
* Get a property on a Stateful instance.
get(name: K): T[K];
* Set a property on a Stateful instance
set(name: K, value: T[K]): this;
set(name: K, ...values: T[K]): this;
set(values: Partial): this;
* Internal helper for directly changing an attribute value.
_changeAttrValue(name: string, value: any): this;
* Watches a property for changes
watch(callback: (prop: K, oldValue: T[K], newValue: T[K]) => void): WatchHandle;
watch(name: K, callback: (prop: K, oldValue: T[K], newValue: T[K]) => void): WatchHandle;
interface StatefulConstructor extends _base.DeclareConstructor {
new (params?: Partial): Stateful;
/* dojo/string */
interface String {
* Efficiently escape a string for insertion into HTML (innerHTML or attributes), replacing &, <, >, ", ', and / characters.
escape(str: string): string;
* Efficiently replicate a string `n` times.
rep(str: string, num: number): string;
* Pad a string to guarantee that it is at least `size` length by
* filling with the character `ch` at either the start or end of the
* string. Pads at the start, by default.
pad(text: string, size: number, ch?: string, end?: boolean): string;
* Performs parameterized substitutions on a string. Throws an
* exception if any parameter is unmatched.
substitute(template: string, map: Object | any[], transform?: (value: any, key: string) => any, thisObject?: Object): string;
* Trims whitespace from both sides of the string
trim(str: string): string;
/* dojo/text */
* A getter and setter for storing the string content associated with the
* module and url arguments.
interface Cache {
(module: string | GenericObject, url: string, value?: string | { value: string, sanitize?: boolean }): string;
interface Text {
* the dojo/text caches it's own resources because of dojo.cache
dynamic: boolean;
normalize(id: string, toAbsMid: Function): string; /* TODO: Align with loader api */
load(id: string, parentRequire: Function, loaded: Function): void; /* TODO: Align with loader api */
/* dojo/throttle */
interface Throttle {
(cb: T, wait: number): T;
/* dojo/topic */
interface Topic {
* Publishes a message to a topic on the pub/sub hub. All arguments after
* the first will be passed to the subscribers, so any number of arguments
* can be provided (not just event).
publish(topic: string | ExtensionEvent, ...event: any[]): boolean;
* Subscribes to a topic on the pub/sub hub
subscribe(topic: string | ExtensionEvent, listener: EventListener | Function): Handle;
/* dojo/touch */
interface Touch {
press: ExtensionEvent;
move: ExtensionEvent;
release: ExtensionEvent;
cancel: ExtensionEvent;
over: ExtensionEvent;
out: ExtensionEvent;
enter: ExtensionEvent;
leave: ExtensionEvent;
/* dojo/uacss */
/* rexports has after adding classes to dom */
/* dojo/when */
interface When {
* Transparently applies callbacks to values and/or promises.
(value: T | dojo.promise.Promise): dojo.promise.Promise;
(value: T | dojo.promise.Promise,
callback?: dojo.promise.PromiseCallback,
errback?: dojo.promise.PromiseErrback,
progress?: dojo.promise.PromiseProgback): T | dojo.promise.Promise;
(value: T | dojo.promise.Promise,
callback?: dojo.promise.PromiseCallback,
errback?: dojo.promise.PromiseErrback,
progress?: dojo.promise.PromiseProgback): U | dojo.promise.Promise;
/* dojo/window */
interface WindowModule {
* Returns the dimensions and scroll position of the viewable area of a browser window
getBox(doc?: Document): DomGeometryBox;
* Get window object associated with document doc.
get(doc?: Document): Window;
* Scroll the passed node into view using minimal movement, if it is not already.
scrollIntoView(node: Element, pos?: DomGeometryXYBox): void;